Musicians & Bands

RESULTS 1-15 of 52

Jazz, Swing, Blues, Funk, Fusión, Bossa No

More than 400 videos. Solo Piano and with the worlds best artists!!
Jazz, Swing, Blues, Funk, Fusión, Bossa No
Audio Video

Total ratings: 1

John Apostolidis

Bass Player , Composer
John Apostolidis

Total ratings: 1

Lead Guitarist

Versatile Guitarist | 15+ Years Experience | All Genres inc. Jazz, Rock & Blues
Lead Guitarist

Total ratings: 2


Drummer with groove, vibe and style

Total ratings: 1

Livi Wollaston - Soprano

Exceptional Soprano for Shows and Events
Livi Wollaston - Soprano

Total ratings: 15


Pianist Vocalist One man band

Total ratings: 1

Irish Guitarist/Vocalist

Irishman with a vast repertoire of songs from Motown, to Irish Ballads
Irish Guitarist/Vocalist

Total ratings: 2

Ryder Howell Guitar

Hello. My name is Ryder Howell. I have a degree in music and can sight read.
Ryder Howell Guitar

Total ratings: 1

Northern Cocktail pianist

Immerse yourself in the refined sounds of Northern Cocktail Piano.
Northern Cocktail pianist

Total ratings: 4


I'm a professional electric guitarist, who loves to play a variety of genres.

Total ratings: 1

Soul/RnB/Pop Female Vocalist

I am a solo singer with many years of performing at different events.
Soul/RnB/Pop Female Vocalist

Total ratings: 2

Ethan Kelly - singer-songwriter

Specialist singer and songleader skilled in voice, guitar, harmonica and ukulele
Ethan Kelly - singer-songwriter

Total ratings: 1


Meatloaf tribute, but can sing any genre

Total ratings: 1


Vast amount of experience in lots of different genres from: Jazz, Rock, Pop,Funk

Total ratings: 2

Carabana Steel Band

Caribbean style steel band
Carabana Steel Band

Total ratings: 2

1 2 3 4

Artist Info

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