Musicians & Bands

RESULTS 46-53 of 53

John Apostolidis

Bass Player , Composer
John Apostolidis

Total ratings: 1


Meatloaf tribute, but can sing any genre

Total ratings: 1

Euro Café Duo

Digital Accordion/Vocal Duo Cover
Euro Café Duo

Total ratings: 14

Martin - Guitarist

Brilliant professional guitarist
Martin - Guitarist

Total ratings: 5

Irish Guitarist/Vocalist

Irishman with a vast repertoire of songs from Motown, to Irish Ballads
Irish Guitarist/Vocalist

Total ratings: 2

Sam the Performer

Female Vocalist
Sam the Performer

Total ratings: 1

Reading drums and keys for Caribbean

Reading drums and keys for Caribbean
Salary: 5 month contract from 12th October

Musicians Required for Major Cruise Lines

Musicians Required for Major Cruise Lines
Salary: Placing Musicians in dream jobs worldwide!
1 2 3 4

Artist Info

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